Excel pro tip: Locate and reset the last cell on a worksheet

I had the weird situation, that an Excel source at a SSIS job did produce almost 100k output rows whereas the read Excel sheet did only contain around 5k rows of data. After dissecting the results of enabled Data Viewers I found out that the XLSX documents seems to have some internal metadata which also keeps a pointer to the last data cell. Or at least what Excel thinks what this last cell might be. This pointer however, can be read and interpreted (for a number of valid reasons) which would lead to the behaviour I observed.

Last data cell in line 93146? Nope

Deleting all seemingly empty rows did not do the trick, so I consulted Google which lead me to the following knowledge article which finally cleared everything up (literally): https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Locate-and-reset-the-last-cell-on-a-worksheet-C9E468A8-0FC3-4F69-8038-B3C1D86E99E9


Pressing CTRL + END directly jumps the the last populated cell according to Excels internal pointer. In order to reset this, select all the rows or, even easier when applicable in your situtation, select the whole sheet, and finally clear the (visual) formattings. Done.

Oh, for the case your are also a curious one: I peeked into the XLSX file (which is an ordinary ZIP archive if you didnt know) and found the internal “pointer” I was suspecting. Inside the sheet XML files which are located under /xl/worksheets directory, there is a <dimensions ref="A1:D93146"/> right as first child element under the <worksheet/> root element that holds the misleading information. 😉

Logic App Finding: Multiple run-after configurations when joining parallel branches

Here is my finding of the day: When working with parallel branches, after the execution paths have been joined again, the next action step can have different run-after configurations for each of the previously joined parallel branches! This ability is hidden behind some bad UI/UX, so I discovered it just today and rather “accidentially”. This might not be needed very often, but when, it can help to keep the LA execution paths simpler, since no bulky if-else branching and redundant actions would be needed.

Click on the previous action first, in order to configure individual state constraints in the run-after settings

Since Logic Apps and Power Automate (aka Flow) practically share the same platform fundament, differen run-after configurations can also be created in Flows.

Sperrige Localization von Zeitangaben an UI – 24:30 Uhr?

Wo ich gerade so die DateTime Werte einiger Datensätze anpasse, sticht mir plötzlich diese merkwürdige UI Localization ins Auge:

Erzwungenes Rewrite von Zeitangaben in Stunde “0”

Welche Uhrzeit ist bitteschön 24:30 ? Vielleicht eine besonders “intuitive” Localization? Nun, ich tippe eher auf einen Bug, da solch eine Zeitangabe meiner Kenntnis nach nirgendwo im europäischen Schrift-/Sprachgebraucht existiert. Who wants to raise a MS support ticket? 😉

Howto: Attribute fields in detail window of workflow action “Update Record” not editable

Let’s end the week with a tricky issue found even in latest Dynamics 365 / CRM.

Once upon a time, there was a system workflow action called “Update Record”. When users added it to their workflow and opened the detail window for inserting value placeholders, certain fields were mysteriously greyed out so users could not edit them. Coincidentially, the fields being disabled, were exactly those, that have been configured as “read-only” on the entities main form. So obviously CRM is re-using the entities main form definition for building up the detail window of said standard workflow action.

Side note: CRM does this not only for the said “Update Record” workflow action, but also on several more places too, like e.g. bulkoperation distribution window and the outlook client dialogs.


Fields marked as “read-only” on entities main form are not editable in detail window of standard workflow action “Update Record”.


  1. Open developer tools of your browser (f.e. press F12 in Chrome)
  2. Pick the DOM element representing the attribute input field you want to edit
  3. Delete HTML element attribute “disabled=true”
  4. Do whatever you want to do
Whilst this is no “real” solution to a “real” problem, it’s rather more a clever workaround for editing the detail window form. Whether this is a bug or just a (too?) consequent behaviour of the read-only option of a form control might be debatable.